An exciting selection of 30 contemporary case studies from around the globe, covering a wide variety of learning spaces (schools, afterschool care, and kindergartens), activity centers (clubs, cultural centers), and many more child-friendly environments A richly photographed, informative must-have title for interior designers, architects, child educators, and owners and operators of children's spaces Includes projects from Australia, China, Greece, Japan, Korea, Mexico, New Zealand, Portugal, Russia, Spain, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, and United States It is well known that children are naturally drawn to an engaging and fun environment for them to play, learn, and grow. This book showcases 30 creative, immersive, and interactive spaces from around the globe, where designers focus on spectacular interior and architectural designs that help to encourage the child's creativity and development, tap into their potential, inspire play and social interaction, involve nature, minimize distractions, and promote optimized learning opportunities. Presented throughout with stunning full-color photography, detailed drawings and diagrams, and important up-to-date perspectives on current and emerging trends for optimal childhood development and safety standards when designing spaces for children, Contemporary Creative Spaces for Children is a must-have title for all interior designers, architects, child educators, and owners and operators who are interested in effectively shaping designs of children's spaces that focus on the health and wellbeing of the child

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При оформлении заказа необходимо быть особенно внимательными и указать полный адрес доставки Contemporary Creative Spaces for Children. Включите в него название улицы, номер дома, корпуса, квартиры (если применимо), а также почтовый индекс. Не забывайте о населенном пункте и области, если они требуются для доставки. Предоставление полной информации об адресе поможет транспортным компаниям и курьерам быстро и точно доставить Contemporary Creative Spaces for Children.

Год публикации2023ЯзыкАнглийский
Количество страниц244

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